Kyjov, Hodonín, Czech Republic

Latitude 49.01
Longitude 17.123056
Country Czech Republic
Alternate Names Language Date range in which the name is valid.
Gaya de
Enclosed By
Place Encloses
Českého gymnasia v Kyjově


  1. Pollak, Leopold (0000-00-00)
  2. Brichta, Gisela (0000-00-00)
  3. Müller, Adelheid (0000-00-00)
  4. Czuczka, Kati (0000-00-00)
  5. Placzek, Isidor (0000-00-00)
  6. Placzek, Bruno (0000-00-00)
  7. Placzek, Moses (about 1767)
  8. Jellinek, Isak (about 1777)
  9. Boxhorn, Lea (about 1788)
  10. Fischer, Elias (about 1795)
  11. Family of Jellinek, Isak and Weiss, Salomina (Cäcilia) (Zulka)
    1. Jellinek, Isak
    2. Weiss, Salomina (Cäcilia) (Zulka)
  12. Jellinek, Isak (1797-04-13)
  13. Weiss, Salomina (Cäcilia) (Zulka) (1797-04-13)
  14. Boxhorn, Aron (1800-05-11)
  15. Herschan, Markus (1801-03-22)
  16. Mondschein, Abraham (1803-03-04)
  17. Fischer, Samuel (1804-05-01)
  18. Müller, Salomon (1806)
  19. Jellinek, Isaak (1806-03-08)
  20. Jellinek, Salomon (1807-07-21)
  21. Placzek, Moses (1808-01-11)
  22. Family of Placzek, Moses and Boxhorn, Lea
    1. Boxhorn, Lea
    2. Placzek, Moses
  23. Boxhorn, Lea (1808-01-11)
  24. Placzek, Israel (1809-02-02)
  25. Jellinek, Joseph (1812-02-11)
  26. Jellinek, Israel (1812-04-02)
  27. Mandl, Veronika (1812-05-18)
  28. Mondschein, Ernestine (about 1813)
  29. Placzek, Samuel (1813-06-22)
  30. Freund, Julie (1816)
  31. Placzek, Abraham M. (1816-01-20)
  32. Fischer, Salomon (1816-08-28)
  33. Sonnenschein, Ernestine Ester (1816-12-03)
  34. Jellinek, Sallomon (1817)
  35. Redlich, Louise (about 1818)
  36. Placzek, Amalia (1818-05-00)
  37. Frisch, Kathi (Nanni) (1818-07-25)
  38. Herschan, Bertha Babet (1822)
  39. Marischek, Leopold (about 1825-02-00)
  40. Pollak, Josef (1825-09-25)
  41. Marischek, Emma (about 1826)
  42. Laufler, Ernestina (about 1828-04-00)
  43. Fischer, Elias (1829-08-19)
  44. Family of Fischer, Elias and Langer, Amalie
    1. Langer, Amalie
    2. Fischer, Elias
  45. Langer, Amalie (1829-08-19)
  46. Sonnenschein, David Hirsch (1830-02-16)
  47. Freund, Bernard (1830-05-10)
  48. Fischer, Joseph (1832-05-20)
  49. Jellinek, Elisabeth (1833-02-27)
  50. Hayek, Simon (1833-06-06)
  51. Jellinek, Isak (1833-07-24)
  52. Fischer, Salomon Herschl (1833-11-11)
  53. Family of Jellinek, Moses and Freund, Sara
    1. Jellinek, Moses
    2. Freund, Sara
  54. Freund, Sara (1834-09-17)
  55. Jellinek, Moses (1834-09-17)
  56. Mondschein, Heinrich Herman (about 1835)
  57. Jellinek, Katharina (1835-07-10)
  58. Fischer, Hermann (1836-05-19)
  59. Placzek, Gerson (1836-09-16)
  60. Jellinek, Ignatz (1837-02-13)
  61. Freund, Michael (1837-02-13)
  62. Fischer, Gottlieb (1837-07-29)
  63. Freund, Michael (1837-12-15)
  64. Mondschein, Gerson (1838-04-13)
  65. Sonnenschein, Fanni (1838-11-09)
  66. Fischer, Ignatz (1839-03-09)
  67. Family of Buxbaum, Rudolph and Sonnenschein, Sara
    1. Sonnenschein, Sara
    2. Buxbaum, Rudolph
  68. Buxbaum, Rudolph (1839-05-02)
  69. Sonnenschein, Sara (1839-05-02)
  70. Birnbaum, Philipp Hillel (1839-05-14)
  71. Family of Birnbaum, Philipp Hillel and Rosenbaum, Anna
    1. Birnbaum, Philipp Hillel
    2. Rosenbaum, Anna
  72. Rosenbaum, Anna (1839-05-14)
  73. Placzek, Amalia (1840-02-27)
  74. Jellinek, Joseph (1840-02-27)
  75. Family of Jellinek, Joseph and Placzek, Amalia
    1. Jellinek, Joseph
    2. Placzek, Amalia
  76. Müller, Katharina (Karoline) (1840-10-26)
  77. Jellinek, Rosa (Rebika) (1841-05-12)
  78. Herschan, Albert (1841-06-23)
  79. Fischer, Katharina (1841-07-15)
  80. Redlich, Katarina (1841-08-28)
  81. Jellinek, Marie (Mariana) (1842-03-21)
  82. Fischer, Mayer (1842-10-05)
  83. Herschan, Katherina (1842-10-12)
  84. Jellinek, Moritz (Moses) (1842-11-22)
  85. Müller, Zigmund (Leopold) (1843-01-15)
  86. Fischer, Katharina (1843-03-13)
  87. Müller, Heinrich (1843-08-21)
  88. Jellinek, Michael (1843-10-06)
  89. Jellinek, Joseph (1843-10-06)
  90. Sonnenschein, Adolf (1843-11-19)
  91. Czuczka, Katharina (about 1844)
  92. Jellinek, Netti (1844-07-12)
  93. Fischer, Michael (1844-10-11)
  94. Jellinek, Moses (1844-11-21)
  95. Fischer, Joseph (1844-11-21)
  96. Platschek, Franziska (1845-03-03)
  97. Jellinek, Rachel (1845-07-02)
  98. Jellinek, Israel (1845-07-02)
  99. Jellinek, Bernard (1845-07-02)
  100. Jellinek, Netti (1846-04-07)
  101. Fischer, Maximilian (1846-05-15)
  102. Jellinek, Ignatz Hermann (1846-07-03)
  103. Müller, Emanuel (1846-11-14)
  104. Sonnenschein, Adolf (about 1847)
  105. Fischer, Ignatz (about 1847)
  106. Jellinek, Joseph (1847-03-08)
  107. Jellinek, Salomon (1847-03-08)
  108. Sonnenschein, Abraham (1847-08-26)
  109. Jellinek, Joseph (between 1848 and 1852)
  110. Fischer, Josefine (1848-01-28)
  111. Fischer, (Stillborn) (1848-04-13)
  112. Müller, Adelheid (1848-05-04)
  113. Jellinek, Israel (Samuel) (1848-07-08)
  114. Jellinek, Joseph (1848-08-23)
  115. Fischer, Israel (1849-07-09)
  116. Placzek, Abraham M. (1849-11-21)
  117. Family of Placzek, Abraham M. and Herschan, Betti
    1. Herschan, Betti
    2. Placzek, Abraham M.
  118. Herschan, Betti (1849-11-21)
  119. Family of Marischek, Leopold and Laufler, Ernestina
    1. Marischek, Leopold
    2. Laufler, Ernestina
  120. Laufler, Ernestina (1849-12-18)
  121. Marischek, Leopold (1849-12-18)
  122. Jellinek, Rosalia (1850-02-22)
  123. Jellinek, Gerson (Gerz) (1850-04-15)
  124. Buxbaum, Moritz Joachim (1850-05-05)
  125. Jellinek, Israel (1851)
  126. Jellinek, Moses (1851)
  127. Felber, Josef (1851)
  128. Jellinek, Joseph (1851-02-28)
  129. Jellinek, Joseph (1851-02-28)
  130. Family of Boxhorn, Aron and Deutsch, Rosalia
    1. Deutsch, Rosalia
    2. Boxhorn, Aron
  131. Deutsch, Rosalia (1851-04-18)
  132. Boxhorn, Aron (1851-04-18)
  133. Jokl, Ignatz (1851-11-12)
  134. Czuczka, Jakob (1852-01-22)
  135. Jellinek, Cäcilia (1852-02-28)
  136. Strakosch, Springel (1852-03-18)
  137. Jellinek, Salomon (1852-03-19)
  138. Kohn, Theresia (1852-03-19)
  139. Family of Jellinek, Salomon and Kohn, Theresia
    1. Jellinek, Salomon
    2. Kohn, Theresia
  140. Pollak, Katharina (1852-04-03)
  141. Family of Jellinek, Sallomon and Kohn, Theresia
    1. Kohn, Theresia
    2. Jellinek, Sallomon
  142. Jellinek, Sallomon (1852-05-19)
  143. Kohn, Theresia (1852-05-19)
  144. Fischer, Sali (1852-10-02)
  145. Placzek, Abraham M. (1852-11-06)
  146. Placzek, Abraham M. (1852-11-08)
  147. Buxbaum, Rosa (1852-11-14)
  148. Körner, Bernard (1852-11-17)
  149. Jellinek, Ignatz (1852-12-01)
  150. Fischer, Simon (1853-02-02)
  151. Jellinek, Gerson (Gerz) (1853-02-27)
  152. Hayek, Hanni (1853-05-21)
  153. Křivaček, Ruchal (1853-07-20)
  154. Family of Pollak, Josef and Křivaček, Ruchal
    1. Křivaček, Ruchal
    2. Pollak, Josef
  155. Pollak, Josef (1853-07-20)
  156. Jellinek, Abraham (Albert) (1853-08-07)
  157. Müller, Eugenie (1853-10-02)
  158. Fischer, Ernestina (1854-02-21)
  159. Jellinek, Sara (1854-02-26)
  160. Jellinek, Moritz (1854-08-11)
  161. Placzek, Bernard (1854-09-02)
  162. Placzek, Israel (1854-09-02)
  163. Jellinek, Cäcilia (1855-07-31)
  164. Jellinek, Charlotte (1856-02-22)
  165. Czuczka, Amalia (1856-10-04)
  166. Hayek, Emanuel (1856-12-14)
  167. Jellinek, Katharina (1856-12-14)
  168. Family of Hayek, Emanuel and Jellinek, Katharina
    1. Hayek, Emanuel
    2. Jellinek, Katharina
  169. Pollak, Rosalie (1856-12-22)
  170. Mandl, Sali (1857)
  171. Müller, Katharina (Karoline) (1857)
  172. Jellinek, Marie (Mariana) (1857)
  173. Sonnenschein, Moses (1857)
  174. Czuczka, Aron Moses (1857)
  175. Müller, Fanny (1857)
  176. Sonnenschein, Adolf (1857)
  177. Czuczka, Amalia (1857)
  178. Mandl, Abraham (1857)
  179. Jellinek, Moses (1857)
  180. Freund, Sara (1857)
  181. Placzek, Adolf (1857)
  182. Müller, Aron (1857)
  183. Hayek, Hanni (1857)
  184. Placzek, Israel (1857)
  185. Müller, Heinrich (1857)
  186. Mandl, Moses (1857)
  187. Sonnenschein, Rosi (1857)
  188. Czuczka, Jakob (1857)
  189. Placzek, Amalia (1857)
  190. Mondschein, Ernestine (1857)
  191. Placzek, Moritz (1857)
  192. Kämpf, Paulina (1857)
  193. Jellinek, Israel (Samuel) (1857)
  194. Redlich, Katarina (1857)
  195. , Amalia (1857)
  196. Alt, Katharina (1857)
  197. Sonnenschein, Resi (1857)
  198. Sonnenschein, Fanny (1857)
  199. Müller, Adelheid (1857)
  200. Placzek, Gerson (1857)
  201. Jellinek, Joseph (1857)
  202. Jellinek, Ignatz (1857)
  203. , Jetti (1857)
  204. Jellinek, Ignatz Hermann (1857)
  205. Fischer, Joseph (1857)
  206. Eisinger, Cilli (1857)
  207. Müller, Salomon (1857)
  208. Müller, Isak (1857)
  209. Sonnenschein, Herschl (1857)
  210. Hayek, Ernestina (1857)
  211. Jellinek, Gustav (1857)
  212. Fischer, Salomon (1857)
  213. Fischer, Hermann (1857)
  214. Jellinek, Michael (1857)
  215. Kramer, Adelheid (1857)
  216. Müller, Emanuel (1857)
  217. Placzek, Leopold (1857)
  218. Jellinek, Sara (1857)
  219. Jellinek, Cäcilia (1857)
  220. Hayek, Wolf (1857)
  221. Haberfeld, Julie (1857)
  222. Sonnenschein, Ernestine Ester (1857)
  223. Czuczka, Rebeka (1857)
  224. Müller, Zigmund (Leopold) (1857)
  225. Jellinek, Joseph (1857)
  226. Sonnenschein, David Hirsch (1857)
  227. Placzek, Rosalia (1857)
  228. Felber, Josef (1857)
  229. Jellinek, Rosa (Rebika) (1857)
  230. Jellinek, Moritz (Moses) (1857)
  231. Placzek, Bernard (1857)
  232. Jellinek, Israel (1857)
  233. Fischer, Katharina (1857)
  234. Fischer, Samuel (1857)
  235. Placzek, Isidor (1857)
  236. Hayek, Löbl (1857)
  237. Sonnenschein, Abraham (1857)
  238. Müller, Eugenie (1857)
  239. Jellinek, Ignatz (1857)
  240. Sonnenschein, Emanuel (1857)
  241. Platschek, Franziska (1857)
  242. Jellinek, Betti (1857)
  243. Jellinek, Abraham (Albert) (1857)
  244. Jellinek, Rachel (1857)
  245. Fischer, Maximilian (1857)
  246. Fischer, Ernestina (1857)
  247. Freund, Julie (1857)
  248. Redlich, Markus (1857)
  249. Müller, Karl (1857)
  250. Mandl, Pepi (1857)
  251. Sachs, Alois (1857-01-25)
  252. Sachs, Salomon (1857-01-25)
  253. Jellinek, Gustav (1857-06-27)
  254. Jellinek, Moritz (1857-07-19)
  255. Hayek, Hermina (1857-07-21)
  256. Fischer, Bernard (1858-01-02)
  257. Haas, Rudolfine (1858-06-28)
  258. Czuczka, Abraham (1858-06-28)
  259. Family of Czuczka, Abraham and Haas, Rudolfine
    1. Czuczka, Abraham
    2. Haas, Rudolfine
  260. Pollak, Leopold (1858-07-17)
  261. Jellinek, Abraham (1859-09-22)
  262. Jellinek, Adolph (1860-01-26)
  263. Leuchter, Gustav (1860-03-03)
  264. Pollak, Adolf (1860-05-04)
  265. Deutsch, Samuel (1860-09-15)
  266. Sachs, Adolph (1861-02-05)
  267. Hayek, Arnold (1861-02-15)
  268. Křivaček, Abraham (1861-07-31)
  269. Jellinek, Babeth (1861-08-03)
  270. Jellinek, Salomon (1861-09-15)
  271. Fischer, Hermann (1861-12-25)
  272. Family of Fischer, Hermann and Müller, Katharina (Karoline)
    1. Müller, Katharina (Karoline)
    2. Fischer, Hermann
  273. Müller, Katharina (Karoline) (1861-12-25)
  274. Stein, Katharina (1862-01-00)
  275. Pollak, Peppi (1862-02-15)
  276. Deutsch, Regina (1862-04-09)
  277. Fischer, Gottlieb (1862-04-24)
  278. Family of Fischer, Gottlieb and Jellinek, Rosa (Rebika)
    1. Fischer, Gottlieb
    2. Jellinek, Rosa (Rebika)
  279. Jellinek, Rosa (Rebika) (1862-04-24)
  280. Placzek, Rosalia (1862-04-30)
  281. Family of Stein, Markus and Placzek, Rosalia
    1. Placzek, Rosalia
    2. Stein, Markus
  282. Stein, Markus (1862-04-30)
  283. Family of Freund, Salomon and Jellinek, Marie (Mariana)
    1. Freund, Salomon
    2. Jellinek, Marie (Mariana)
  284. Freund, Salomon (1862-06-01)
  285. Jellinek, Marie (Mariana) (1862-06-01)
  286. Sachs, Moses (1862-06-01)
  287. Jellinek, Joseph (1862-06-01)
  288. Mandl, Adolf (1862-12-08)
  289. Deutsch, Lotti (1863-03-08)
  290. Freund, Charlotte (1863-03-30)
  291. Pollak, Max (1863-07-21)
  292. Mondschein, Leopold (1863-10-26)
  293. Family of Hayek, Simon and Fischer, Katharina
    1. Fischer, Katharina
    2. Hayek, Simon
  294. Hayek, Simon (1864-01-13)
  295. Fischer, Katharina (1864-01-13)
  296. Jellinek, Weronika (Laura) (1864-06-17)
  297. Family of Placzek, Gerson and Herschan, Katherina
    1. Herschan, Katherina
    2. Placzek, Gerson
  298. Herschan, Katherina (1864-06-22)
  299. Placzek, Gerson (1864-06-22)
  300. Redlich, Kati (1864-08-24)
  301. Mondschein, Gerson (1864-08-24)
  302. Family of Mondschein, Gerson and Redlich, Kati
    1. Mondschein, Gerson
    2. Redlich, Kati
  303. Fischer, Luise (1864-09-20)
  304. Mondschein, Alois (1864-09-26)
  305. Strassmann, Rudolf (1864-11-20)
  306. Pollak, Kati (1865-02-08)
  307. Deutsch, Adolph (1865-06-09)
  308. Stein, Siegmund (1865-07-09)
  309. Jellinek, Moritz (1866-02-01)
  310. Sommer, Jeanette (1866-05-05)
  311. Deutsch, Berthold (1866-06-30)
  312. Mondschein, Frieda (about 1867)
  313. Müller, Salomon (1867)
  314. Fischer, Leopold (1867-02-17)
  315. Deutsch, Matilda (1867-08-11)
  316. Stein, Berta (1867-09-23)
  317. Jellinek, Jeanette (1867-11-19)
  318. Pollak, Antonia (1867-12-28)
  319. Fischer, Ernestina (1868-07-01)
  320. Deutsch, Adolf (1868-12-09)
  321. Frisch, Barbara (1869)
  322. Müller, Adelheid (1869)
  323. Jellinek, Charlotte (1869)
  324. Müller, Isak (1869)
  325. Müller, Susi (1869)
  326. Jellinek, Sara (1869)
  327. Müller, Emanuel (1869)
  328. Müller, Karl (1869)
  329. Czuczka, Rebeka (1869)
  330. Müller, Zigmund (Leopold) (1869)
  331. Müller, Eugenie (1869)
  332. Freund, Sara (1869)
  333. Mandl, Pepi (1869-01-19)
  334. Hayek, Emanuel (1869-01-19)
  335. Family of Hayek, Emanuel and Mandl, Pepi
    1. Mandl, Pepi
    2. Hayek, Emanuel
  336. Stein, Arnold (1869-03-19)
  337. Family of Klein, Jacob and Platschek, Franziska
    1. Klein, Jacob
    2. Platschek, Franziska
  338. Klein, Jacob (1869-06-12)
  339. Platschek, Franziska (1869-06-12)
  340. Deutsch, Salomon (1869-12-19)
  341. Lechner, Johanna (1870-01-05)
  342. Müller, Heinrich (1870-01-05)
  343. Family of Müller, Heinrich and Lechner, Johanna
    1. Lechner, Johanna
    2. Müller, Heinrich
  344. Jellinek, Hermina (1870-11-30)
  345. Stein, Carolina (1871-01-24)
  346. Fischer, Adolf (1871-03-10)
  347. Hayek, Clementine (1871-04-22)
  348. Family of Jokl, Ignatz and Müller, Adelheid
    1. Jokl, Ignatz
    2. Müller, Adelheid
  349. Jokl, Ignatz (1871-04-23)
  350. Müller, Adelheid (1871-04-23)
  351. Placzek, Franziska (1871-07-03)
  352. Fischer, Alfred (1871-07-26)
  353. Deutsch, Regina (1871-11-27)
  354. Mondschein, Josefine (1872-01-30)
  355. Stein, Moritz (1872-03-23)
  356. Jellinek, Emil (1872-03-24)
  357. Hayek, Josef (1872-06-12)
  358. Fischer, Gottlieb (1873)
  359. Mondschein, Rosalie (about 1873)
  360. Fischer, Alexander (1873-02-03)
  361. Family of Sachs, Michael and Buxbaum, Rosa
    1. Sachs, Michael
    2. Buxbaum, Rosa
  362. Buxbaum, Rosa (1873-02-26)
  363. Sachs, Michael (1873-02-26)
  364. Stein, Alfred (1873-03-24)
  365. Winter, Berta (1873-06-27)
  366. Jokl, Franziska Frida (about 1873-08-02)
  367. Fischer, Selma (1873-08-05)
  368. Jellinek, Manfred Leopold (1873-08-10)
  369. Müller, Nilda (1873-08-26)
  370. Frisch, Barbara (1874-01-20)
  371. Jellinek, Michael (1874-07-26)
  372. Family of Jellinek, Michael and Hayek, Hanni
    1. Hayek, Hanni
    2. Jellinek, Michael
  373. Hayek, Hanni (1874-07-26)
  374. Family of Placzek, Moritz and Sachs, Charlotte (Lotte)
    1. Sachs, Charlotte (Lotte)
    2. Placzek, Moritz
  375. Sachs, Charlotte (Lotte) (1874-07-29)
  376. Placzek, Moritz (1874-07-29)
  377. , Karoline (1874-09-19)
  378. Stein, Anna (1874-10-17)
  379. Fischer, Alfred (1875-01-19)
  380. Family of Weinmann, Bernhard and Jellinek, Sara
    1. Jellinek, Sara
    2. Weinmann, Bernhard
  381. Jellinek, Ignatz (1875-01-20)
  382. Weinmann, Bernhard (1875-01-20)
  383. Jellinek, Sara (1875-01-20)
  384. Weinmann, Moritz (1875-01-20)
  385. Family of Placzek, Joseph and Fischer, Ernestina
    1. Fischer, Ernestina
    2. Placzek, Joseph
  386. Placzek, Joseph (1875-02-24)
  387. Fischer, Ernestina (1875-02-24)
  388. Mondschein, Katarina (1875-04-15)
  389. Jellinek, Berta (1875-06-08)
  390. Family of Jellinek, Joseph and Mondschein, Ernestine
    1. Mondschein, Ernestine
    2. Jellinek, Joseph
  391. Mondschein, Ernestine (1875-11-08)
  392. Jellinek, Joseph (1875-11-08)
  393. Jellinek, Berta (1875-11-30)
  394. Jellinek, Berta (1875-12-01)
  395. Müller, Katharina (Karoline) (1875-12-20)
  396. Family of Jellinek, Israel (Samuel) and Müller, Katharina (Karoline)
    1. Müller, Katharina (Karoline)
    2. Jellinek, Israel (Samuel)
  397. Jellinek, Israel (Samuel) (1875-12-20)
  398. Sachs, Moses (1876-04-22)
  399. Placzek, Otto (1876-04-22)
  400. Herschan, Rosa (1876-05-08)
  401. Müller, Salomon (1876-06-09)
  402. Müller, Salomon (1876-06-12)
  403. Mondschein, Ernst (1876-10-17)
  404. Sonnenschein, Leo (1877-01-26)
  405. Jellinek, Otto (1877-03-19)
  406. Jellinek, Hugo (1877-04-24)
  407. Jellinek, Joseph (1877-04-24)
  408. Müller, Hugo (1877-05-01)
  409. Placzek, Hugo (1877-06-15)
  410. Mondschein, Gisela (1877-07-27)
  411. Jellinek, Charlotte (1877-09-30)
  412. Family of Brichta, Jakub Leopold and Jellinek, Charlotte
    1. Brichta, Jakub Leopold
    2. Jellinek, Charlotte
  413. Brichta, Jakub Leopold (1877-09-30)
  414. Hayek, Simon (1877-12-11)
  415. Placzek, Hugo (1878-04-24)
  416. Placzek, Hugo (1878-04-25)
  417. Freund, Babette (1878-07-01)
  418. Kämpf, Emanuel (1878-09-05)
  419. Jellinek, Cäcilia (1878-09-05)
  420. Family of Kämpf, Emanuel and Jellinek, Cäcilia
    1. Jellinek, Cäcilia
    2. Kämpf, Emanuel
  421. Müller, Robert (1878-09-09)
  422. Jellinek, Otto (1878-12-27)
  423. Placzek, Bruno (1879-01-14)
  424. Jellinek, Rosa (1879-02-09)
  425. Sachs, Charlotte (Lotte) (1879-05-29)
  426. Fischer, Malvine (1879-07-27)
  427. Jellinek, Arnold (1879-11-21)
  428. Mondschein, Emilie (1879-11-26)
  429. Schimetschek, Jeanette (1880)
  430. Jellinek, Weronika (Laura) (1880)
  431. Freund, Julie (1880)
  432. Fischer, Regina (1880)
  433. Fischer, Salomon (1880)
  434. Fischer, Bernard (1880)
  435. Jellinek, Moritz (1880)
  436. Jellinek, Manfred Leopold (1880)
  437. Jellinek, Ignatz (1880)
  438. Jellinek, Jeanette (1880)
  439. Freund, Sara (1880)
  440. Freund, Nanni (Charlotte, Anna) (1880-03-08)
  441. Sonnenschein, Alfred (1880-03-23)
  442. Stein, Camilla (1880-07-02)
  443. Placzek, Max (1880-10-08)
  444. Löwinger, Jakob (1881-01-30)
  445. Pollak, Rosalie (1881-01-30)
  446. Family of Löwinger, Jakob and Pollak, Rosalie
    1. Pollak, Rosalie
    2. Löwinger, Jakob
  447. Müller, Irma (Irene) (1881-04-16)
  448. Sachs, Oskar (1881-06-27)
  449. Fischer, Elias (1881-07-04)
  450. Jellinek, Ida (1881-09-18)
  451. Deutsch, Samuel (1881-11-18)
  452. Mondschein, Leo (1882-03-15)
  453. Hersch, Berta (1882-04-07)
  454. Family of Sonnenschein, Adolf and Hersch, Berta
    1. Sonnenschein, Adolf
    2. Hersch, Berta
  455. Sonnenschein, Adolf (1882-04-07)
  456. Fischer, Malvine (1882-04-29)
  457. Fischer, Malvine (1882-04-30)
  458. Placzek, Anna (1882-06-30)
  459. Jellinek, Ernst (1882-10-15)
  460. Sachs, Siegfried (1882-10-17)
  461. Sonnenschein, Wilhelm (1883-03-28)
  462. Fischer, Simon (1883-04-23)
  463. Deutsch, Adolf (1883-05-17)
  464. Jellinek, Malvine (1883-05-25)
  465. Fischer, Elsa (1883-06-07)
  466. Mondschein, Georg (1883-10-25)
  467. Sachs, Anna (1883-12-08)
  468. Jellinek, Gustav (1884-04-02)
  469. Sachs, Fanny (1884-04-02)
  470. Family of Jellinek, Gustav and Sachs, Fanny
    1. Jellinek, Gustav
    2. Sachs, Fanny
  471. Sonnenschein, Ernestine Ester (1884-07-14)
  472. Placzek, Ernest (1884-10-03)
  473. Placzek, Ernest (1884-10-06)
  474. Family of Placzek, Bernard and Stein, Katharina
    1. Stein, Katharina
    2. Placzek, Bernard
  475. Placzek, Bernard (1884-10-22)
  476. Stein, Katharina (1884-10-22)
  477. Sachs, Irma (1885-04-04)
  478. Freund, Charlotte (1885-05-03)
  479. Pollak, Leopold (1885-05-03)
  480. Family of Pollak, Leopold and Freund, Charlotte
    1. Pollak, Leopold
    2. Freund, Charlotte
  481. Křivaček, Abraham (1885-08-23)
  482. Family of Křivaček, Abraham and Jellinek, Babeth
    1. Jellinek, Babeth
    2. Křivaček, Abraham
  483. Jellinek, Babeth (1885-08-23)
  484. Jellinek, Weronika (Laura) (1885-08-30)
  485. Mayer, Julius (1885-08-30)
  486. Family of Mayer, Julius and Jellinek, Weronika (Laura)
    1. Mayer, Julius
    2. Jellinek, Weronika (Laura)
  487. Pollak, Moritz (1886-02-18)
  488. Deutsch, Michael (1886-03-28)
  489. Pollak, Kati (1886-03-28)
  490. Family of Deutsch, Michael and Pollak, Kati
    1. Deutsch, Michael
    2. Pollak, Kati
  491. Křivaček, Klara (1886-05-27)
  492. Placzek, Adolf (1886-07-07)
  493. Freund, Leni (1886-07-07)
  494. Family of Placzek, Adolf and Freund, Leni
    1. Placzek, Adolf
    2. Freund, Leni
  495. Redlich, Henriette (1886-07-14)
  496. Family of Fischer, Bernard and Redlich, Henriette
    1. Fischer, Bernard
    2. Redlich, Henriette
  497. Fischer, Bernard (1886-07-14)
  498. Müller, Adelheid (1886-09-29)
  499. Müller, Klara (1886-12-24)
  500. Sborowitz, Oswald (1887-02-24)
  501. Hirsch, Irene (1887-03-09)
  502. Placzek, Elsa (1887-04-22)
  503. Wiltschek, Sophie (1887-07-06)
  504. Family of Pollak, Adolf and Wiltschek, Sophie
    1. Pollak, Adolf
    2. Wiltschek, Sophie
  505. Pollak, Adolf (1887-07-06)
  506. Placzek, Felix (1887-11-14)
  507. Fischer, Oscar (1888-01-25)
  508. Pollak, Albine (1888-01-28)
  509. Brichta, Jakob (1888-01-30)
  510. Placzek, Olga (1888-08-01)
  511. Mondschein, Heinrich Herman (1888-08-06)
  512. Pollak, Albine (1888-08-18)
  513. Pollak, Albine (1888-08-19)
  514. Pollak, Karl (1889-01-18)
  515. Mondschein, Abraham (1889-01-19)
  516. Křivaček, Oscar (1889-01-20)
  517. Placzek, Oscar (1889-02-10)
  518. Sonnenschein, Pauline (1889-02-18)
  519. Family of Jellinek, Ignatz Hermann and Sonnenschein, Pauline
    1. Jellinek, Ignatz Hermann
    2. Sonnenschein, Pauline
  520. Jellinek, Ignatz Hermann (1889-02-18)
  521. Placzek, Oscar (1889-05-13)
  522. Sonnenschein, Hugo (1889-05-25)
  523. Papanek, Regine (1889-07-14)
  524. Family of Pollak, Carl and Papanek, Regine
    1. Pollak, Carl
    2. Papanek, Regine
  525. Pollak, Carl (1889-07-14)
  526. Křivaček, Klara (1889-11-06)
  527. Freund, Julie (1890)
  528. Křivaček, Oscar (1890)
  529. Alt, Katharina (1890)
  530. Jellinek, Babeth (1890)
  531. Křivaček, Abraham (1890)
  532. Jellinek, Paul Max (1890-01-10)
  533. Placzek, Frieda (1890-04-03)
  534. Fischer, Salomon (1890-06-16)
  535. Fischer, Salomon (1890-06-18)
  536. Fischer, Fritz (1890-08-25)
  537. Sachs, Stephanie (1890-09-13)
  538. Pollak, Anna (1890-09-14)
  539. Buxbaum, Rudolph (1890-09-22)
  540. Fischer, Ida (1890-11-01)
  541. Fischer, Ernestina (1890-11-17)
  542. Family of Weisskopf, Jakob and Fischer, Ernestina
    1. Weisskopf, Jakob
    2. Fischer, Ernestina
  543. Weisskopf, Jakob (1890-11-17)
  544. Jellinek, Olga (1891-01-10)
  545. Hayek, Selma (1891-01-21)
  546. Gallia, Sigmund (1891-01-21)
  547. Family of Gallia, Sigmund and Hayek, Selma
    1. Gallia, Sigmund
    2. Hayek, Selma
  548. Buxbaum, Christine Johanna (1891-04-07)
  549. Sachs, Moses (1891-06-19)
  550. Křivaček, Irma (1891-07-25)
  551. Placzek, Karl (1891-11-14)
  552. Pollak, Carl (1892)
  553. Freund, Julie (1892-02-15)
  554. Freund, Julie (1892-02-17)
  555. Sonnenschein, Adolf (1892-04-06)
  556. Sonnenschein, Adolf (1892-04-07)
  557. Deutsch, Matilda (1893-01-01)
  558. Lang, Herman (1893-01-01)
  559. Family of Lang, Herman and Deutsch, Matilda
    1. Lang, Herman
    2. Deutsch, Matilda
  560. Pollak, Anna (1893-05-25)
  561. Pollak, Anna (1893-05-26)
  562. Fischer, Erna (1893-08-31)
  563. Fischer, Ida (1893-10-11)
  564. Czuczka, Aron Moses (1894)
  565. Pollak, Otto (1894-01-29)
  566. Placzek, Karl (1894-02-19)
  567. Czuczka, Aron Moses (1894-06-15)
  568. Czuczka, Aron Moses (1894-06-17)
  569. Brüll, Emanuel (1894-07-24)
  570. Sonnenschein, Sara (1895-03-23)
  571. Reichsfeld, Charlotte (1895-04-01)
  572. , Amalie (1895-05-27)
  573. , Amalie (1895-05-28)
  574. Placzek, Ida (1895-08-26)
  575. Stein, Siegmund (1895-12-25)
  576. Family of Stein, Siegmund and Placzek, Louise
    1. Stein, Siegmund
    2. Placzek, Louise
  577. Placzek, Louise (1895-12-25)
  578. Křivaček, Abraham (between 1896 and 1903)
  579. Family of Fischer, Max and Mandl, Hani
    1. Mandl, Hani
    2. Fischer, Max
  580. Fischer, Max (1896-01-19)
  581. Mandl, Hani (1896-01-19)
  582. Herschan, Albert (1896-01-24)
  583. Herschan, Albert (1896-01-26)
  584. Siebenschein, Gertrud (1896-03-15)
  585. Placzek, Fritz (1896-03-17)
  586. Placzek, Fritz (1896-04-12)
  587. Placzek, Fritz (1896-04-21)
  588. Gutherz, Jakob (1896-06-07)
  589. Hayek, Clementine (1896-06-07)
  590. Family of Gutherz, Jakob and Hayek, Clementine
    1. Gutherz, Jakob
    2. Hayek, Clementine
  591. Jellinek, Johann (1896-08-10)
  592. Fischer, Ilona (1896-12-17)
  593. Jellinek, Ignatz (1897-01-04)
  594. Jellinek, Ignatz (1897-01-05)
  595. Placzek, Oskar (1897-03-31)
  596. Pollak, Martha (1897-07-22)
  597. Sonnenschein, Fanni (1897-09-22)
  598. Sonnenschein, Fanni (1897-09-23)
  599. Placzek, Ida (1897-10-27)
  600. Placzek, Ida (1897-10-28)
  601. Sonnenschein, Leo (1897-11-25)
  602. Sonnenschein, Leo (1897-11-26)
  603. Jellinek, Fanni Franciska (1897-12-07)
  604. Fischer, Ella (1898-02-13)
  605. Křivaček, Helene (1898-06-05)
  606. Kohn, Mina (1898-07-31)
  607. Kohn, Mina (1898-08-02)
  608. Müller, Erna (1899-01-01)
  609. Gross, Erna (1899-07-11)
  610. Eisinger, Cilli (1899-11-23)
  611. Eisinger, Cilli (1899-11-24)
  612. Hayek, Helene (1900-11-07)
  613. Placzek, Irma (1900-12-23)
  614. Freund, Sara (1901-05-07)
  615. Freund, Sara (1901-05-09)
  616. Preusz, Erwin (1901-05-17)
  617. Sonnenschein, Jakob (1901-05-24)
  618. Sonnenschein, Jakob (1901-05-26)
  619. Sonnenschein, David Hirsch (1901-11-15)
  620. Sonnenschein, David Hirsch (1901-11-17)
  621. Fischer, Katharina (1901-11-27)
  622. Fischer, Katharina (1901-11-28)
  623. Deutsch, Berthold (1902)
  624. Mondschein, Josefine (1902-03-16)
  625. Family of Körner, Bernard and Mondschein, Josefine
    1. Körner, Bernard
    2. Mondschein, Josefine
  626. Körner, Bernard (1902-03-16)
  627. Freund, Fani (1902-05-02)
  628. Freund, Fani (1902-05-04)
  629. Hayek, František (1902-08-27)
  630. Hayek, Josef (1902-12-28)
  631. Jellinek, Ida (1902-12-28)
  632. Family of Hayek, Josef and Jellinek, Ida
    1. Hayek, Josef
    2. Jellinek, Ida
  633. Fischer, Ernestine (1903-02-02)
  634. Křivaček, Karl Jakob (1903-04-17)
  635. Family of Klein, Arnold and Placzek, Anna
    1. Placzek, Anna
    2. Klein, Arnold
  636. Klein, Arnold (1903-08-09)
  637. Placzek, Anna (1903-08-09)
  638. Deutsch, Käthe (1903-09-29)
  639. Hayek, Ferdinand (1904-01-21)
  640. Jellinek, Joseph (1904-04-22)
  641. Jellinek, Joseph (1904-04-24)
  642. Fischer, Gottlieb (1904-04-29)
  643. Fischer, Gottlieb (1904-05-01)
  644. Fischer, Joseph (1904-07-31)
  645. Weisz, Salomon (1904-11-20)
  646. Mondschein, Rosalie (1904-11-20)
  647. Family of Weisz, Salomon and Mondschein, Rosalie
    1. Weisz, Salomon
    2. Mondschein, Rosalie
  648. Jellinek, Manfred Leopold (about 1905-02-00)
  649. Mondschein, Greta (1905-03-25)
  650. Jellinek, Robert (1905-05-24)
  651. Füchsel, Erna (1905-06-04)
  652. Jellinek, Marta (1905-06-18)
  653. Křivaček, Ruchal (1905-07-26)
  654. Müller, Katharina (Karoline) (1905-09-12)
  655. Müller, Katharina (Karoline) (1905-09-13)
  656. Sonnenschein, Alfred (1905-10-11)
  657. Family of Sonnenschein, Alfred and Sachs, Anna
    1. Sonnenschein, Alfred
    2. Sachs, Anna
  658. Sachs, Anna (1905-10-11)
  659. Redlich, Henriette (1905-11-19)
  660. Redlich, Henriette (1905-11-20)
  661. Family of Fischer, Bernard and Mondschein, Emilie
    1. Fischer, Bernard
    2. Mondschein, Emilie
  662. Mondschein, Emilie (1906-04-01)
  663. Fischer, Bernard (1906-04-01)
  664. Fischer, Gertrude (1906-04-02)
  665. Hayek, Katarina (1906-05-22)
  666. Kämpf, Emanuel (1906-09-04)
  667. Kämpf, Emanuel (1906-09-05)
  668. Fischer, Emanuel Hans (1906-09-28)
  669. Kämpf, Moses (1906-11-25)
  670. Kämpf, Moses (1906-11-27)
  671. Fischer, Samuel (1907)
  672. Jellinek, Herta (1907-01-28)
  673. Family of Jellinek, Israel (Samuel) and Hersch, Berta
    1. Hersch, Berta
    2. Jellinek, Israel (Samuel)
  674. Hersch, Berta (1907-05-02)
  675. Jellinek, Israel (Samuel) (1907-05-02)
  676. Klein, Walter (1907-07-25)
  677. Fischer, Adolf (1907-08-24)
  678. Hayek, Olga (1907-12-21)
  679. Brichta, Heinrich (1908-04-07)
  680. Fischer, Leopold (1908-09-20)
  681. Hirsch, Irene (1908-09-20)
  682. Family of Fischer, Leopold and Hirsch, Irene
    1. Hirsch, Irene
    2. Fischer, Leopold
  683. Jellinek, Ernst (1908-11-01)
  684. Family of Jellinek, Ernst and Müller, Klara
    1. Jellinek, Ernst
    2. Müller, Klara
  685. Müller, Klara (1908-11-01)
  686. Pollak, Josef (1909-01-28)
  687. Placzek, Elsa (1909-02-02)
  688. Family of Jokl, Julius and Placzek, Elsa
    1. Jokl, Julius
    2. Placzek, Elsa
  689. Jokl, Julius (1909-02-02)
  690. Lechner, Johanna (1909-04-14)
  691. Lechner, Johanna (1909-04-15)
  692. Jellinek, Johanna (1909-05-02)
  693. Brichta, Karolína (1909-07-12)
  694. Placzek, Joseph (1909-10-07)
  695. Placzek, Joseph (1909-10-08)
  696. Family of Czuczka, David Edmund and Sachs, Irma
    1. Sachs, Irma
    2. Czuczka, David Edmund
  697. Czuczka, David Edmund (1910-06-26)
  698. Sachs, Irma (1910-06-26)
  699. Jellinek, Katharina (1910-08-18)
  700. Füchsel, Edit (1910-10-12)
  701. Füchsel, Ellitt (1910-10-12)
  702. Family of Arnstein, Emil and Jellinek, Olga
    1. Jellinek, Olga
    2. Arnstein, Emil
  703. Arnstein, Emil (1912-06-30)
  704. Jellinek, Olga (1912-06-30)
  705. Porat, Karl (1912-08-21)
  706. Family of Mondschein, Leo and Fischer, Erna
    1. Mondschein, Leo
    2. Fischer, Erna
  707. Fischer, Erna (1912-08-25)
  708. Mondschein, Leo (1912-08-25)
  709. Sonnenschein, Gertrude (1912-09-08)
  710. Mondschein, Gerson (1913-07-30)
  711. Mondschein, Gerson (1913-08-01)
  712. Sachs, Stephanie (1913-10-14)
  713. Family of Czuczka, Leopold and Sachs, Stephanie
    1. Czuczka, Leopold
    2. Sachs, Stephanie
  714. Czuczka, Leopold (1913-10-14)
  715. Hayek, Anna Jeanette (1914-03-30)
  716. Deutsch, Simon (1914-08-10)
  717. Deutsch, Simon (1914-08-12)
  718. Müller, Klara (1914-08-20)
  719. Jellinek, Ignatz Hermann (1914-11-19)
  720. Jellinek, Ignatz Hermann (1914-11-22)
  721. Siebenschein, Josef (1914-12-21)
  722. Fischer, Fritz (1916-06-01)
  723. Placzek, Zita Charly (1917-09-11)
  724. Stein, Hermann Leopold (1918-06-29)
  725. Placzek, Moritz (1919-05-15)
  726. Placzek, Moritz (1919-05-18)
  727. Fischer, Leopold (1919-06-11)
  728. Fischer, Leopold (1919-06-13)
  729. Family of Fischer, Simon and Czuczka, Flora
    1. Czuczka, Flora
    2. Fischer, Simon
  730. Czuczka, Flora (1919-08-26)
  731. Fischer, Simon (1919-08-26)
  732. Jellinek, Charlotte (1919-10-14)
  733. Jellinek, Charlotte (1919-10-16)
  734. Müller, Erna (1919-12-28)
  735. Drucker, Albert (1919-12-28)
  736. Family of Drucker, Albert and Müller, Erna
    1. Drucker, Albert
    2. Müller, Erna
  737. Křivaček, Abraham (1920)
  738. Sommer, Jeanette (1920-02-29)
  739. Brichta, Jakub Leopold (1920-02-29)
  740. Family of Brichta, Jakub Leopold and Sommer, Jeanette
    1. Brichta, Jakub Leopold
    2. Sommer, Jeanette
  741. Feilbogen, Eva (1920-05-23)
  742. Feilbogen, Eva (1920-05-25)
  743. Czuczka, Jakob (1920-05-29)
  744. Kapelner, Bernhard (1920-05-30)
  745. Placzek, Bruno (1920-05-30)
  746. Placzek, Anna (1920-05-30)
  747. Family of Kapelner, Bernhard and Placzek, Anna
    1. Placzek, Anna
    2. Kapelner, Bernhard
  748. Czuczka, Jakob (1920-05-31)
  749. Křivaček, Abraham (1920-09-09)
  750. Fischer, Samuel (1921-03-04)
  751. Placzek, Hugo (1921-05-02)
  752. Brichta, Jakub Leopold (1921-12-22)
  753. Brichta, Jakub Leopold (1921-12-23)
  754. Pollak, Martha (1922-01-29)
  755. Platschek, Fritz (1922-01-29)
  756. Family of Platschek, Fritz and Pollak, Martha
    1. Platschek, Fritz
    2. Pollak, Martha
  757. Křivaček, Irma (1922-05-16)
  758. Herrmann, David (1922-05-16)
  759. Family of Herrmann, David and Křivaček, Irma
    1. Herrmann, David
    2. Křivaček, Irma
  760. Holcz, Emil (1922-11-19)
  761. Family of Holcz, Emil and Placzek, Olga
    1. Holcz, Emil
    2. Placzek, Olga
  762. Placzek, Olga (1922-11-19)
  763. Czuczka, Flora (1924-01-31)
  764. Fischer, Bernard (1927-06-22)
  765. Fischer, Bernard (1927-06-23)
  766. Brössler, Benno (1927-08-28)
  767. Family of Brössler, Benno and Jellinek, Marta
    1. Brössler, Benno
    2. Jellinek, Marta
  768. Jellinek, Marta (1927-08-28)
  769. Reiss, Benjamin (1929-01-04)
  770. Reiss, Benjamin (1929-01-06)
  771. Hayek, Katarina (1929-05-28)
  772. Schwarz, Desiderius (1929-05-28)
  773. Family of Schwarz, Desiderius and Hayek, Katarina
    1. Hayek, Katarina
    2. Schwarz, Desiderius
  774. Pollak, Leopold (1929-06-04)
  775. Pollak, Leopold (1929-06-06)
  776. Jellinek, Herta (1929-08-18)
  777. Haas, Alexander (1929-08-18)
  778. Family of Haas, Alexander and Jellinek, Herta
    1. Jellinek, Herta
    2. Haas, Alexander
  779. Jellinek, Johanna (1929-09-15)
  780. Family of Reiss, Viktor and Jellinek, Johanna
    1. Jellinek, Johanna
    2. Reiss, Viktor
  781. Reiss, Viktor (1929-09-15)
  782. Placzek, Adolf (1929-12-20)
  783. Placzek, Adolf (1929-12-22)
  784. Freund, Leni (1930-01-04)
  785. Freund, Leni (1930-01-06)
  786. Jellinek, Fanni Franciska (1930-04-06)
  787. Family of Wotzasek, Hugo and Jellinek, Fanni Franciska
    1. Wotzasek, Hugo
    2. Jellinek, Fanni Franciska
  788. Wotzasek, Hugo (1930-04-06)
  789. Lechner, Fanni (1930-06-22)
  790. Jellinek, Israel (Samuel) (1931-07-28)
  791. Jellinek, Israel (Samuel) (1931-07-30)
  792. Family of Leuchter, Gustav and Sommer, Jeanette
    1. Leuchter, Gustav
    2. Sommer, Jeanette
  793. Leuchter, Gustav (1931-11-11)
  794. Sommer, Jeanette (1931-11-11)
  795. Placzek, Bruno (1932-11-09)
  796. Czuczka, Leopold (1932-11-17)
  797. Just, Babette (1934-05-16)
  798. Deutsch, Berthold (1935-06-18)
  799. Deutsch, Berthold (1935-06-20)
  800. Preiss, Alfred (1935-09-01)
  801. Family of Preiss, Alfred
    1. Preiss, Alfred
  802. Jellinek, Katharina (1935-12-22)
  803. Kraus, Leo (1935-12-22)
  804. Family of Kraus, Leo and Jellinek, Katharina
    1. Jellinek, Katharina
    2. Kraus, Leo
  805. Jellinek, Babeth (1937-01-01)
  806. Jellinek, Babeth (1937-01-03)
  807. Family of Grozner, Norbert Theodor and Placzek, Zita Charly
    1. Grozner, Norbert Theodor
    2. Placzek, Zita Charly
  808. Grozner, Norbert Theodor (1937-02-21)
  809. Placzek, Zita Charly (1937-02-21)
  810. Kohn, Katharina (1938-08-29)
  811. Kohn, Katharina (1938-08-31)
  812. Hayek, Josef (1938-12-18)
  813. Hayek, Josef (1938-12-20)
  814. Sachs, Heinrich (1939-03-08)
  815. Sachs, Heinrich (1939-03-10)
  816. Platschek, Gertrude (1939-11-11)
  817. Stein, Hermann Leopold (1939-11-11)
  818. Family of Stein, Hermann Leopold and Platschek, Gertrude
    1. Platschek, Gertrude
    2. Stein, Hermann Leopold
  819. Fischer, Max (1940-03-20)
  820. Fischer, Max (1940-03-22)
  821. Füchsel, Rudolf (1941-02-11)
  822. Füchsel, Rudolf (1941-02-13)
  823. Stein, Leah (1941-12-10)
  824. Jellinek, Ernst (1942-01-00)
  825. Pollak, Karl (1943-01-00)
  826. Hoitasch, Julius (1943-01-00)
  827. Reiss, Viktor (1943-01-00)
  828. Rosenfeld, Arnold (1943-01-00)
  829. Glück, Malvine (1943-01-00)
  830. Oppenheim, Erich (1943-01-00)
  831. Freund, Berthold (1943-01-00)
  832. Oppenheim, Gerhard (1943-01-00)
  833. Siebenschein, Kamillo (1943-01-00)
  834. , Terezie (1943-01-00)
  835. Placzek, Otto (1943-01-00)
  836. Teller, Daniel Arnold (1943-01-00)
  837. Hoitasch, Walter (1943-01-00)
  838. Jellinek, Johanna (1943-01-00)
  839. Teller, Ella (1943-01-00)
  840. Teller, Emil (1943-01-00)
  841. Oppenheim, Kurt (1943-01-00)
  842. Weiner, Franz (1943-01-00)
  843. Brichta, Olga (1943-01-00)
  844. Fleissig, Berta (1943-01-00)
  845. Rübner, Frieda Fanny (1943-01-00)
  846. , Jindřiška (1943-01-00)
  847. Jellinek, Paul Max (1943-01-00)
  848. Müller, Irma (Irene) (1943-01-00)
  849. Preiss, Alfred (1943-01-00)
  850. Fischer, Simon (1943-01-00)
  851. Sachs, Siegfried (1943-01-00)
  852. Stein, Hermann Leopold (1943-01-00)
  853. Czuczka, David Edmund (1943-01-00)
  854. Hayek, Moritz (1956-12-22)