Burials on Viennese Jewish Cemeteries


  1. 133874
    1. ZF Tor 4, Group 4, row 9, tomb 91
      1. Mandler, Jonas (Primary)
    2. Mandler, Jonas
    3. Residence, Mandler, Jonas
      1. Mandler, Jonas (Primary)
    4. Death, Mandler, Jonas
      1. Mandler, Jonas (Primary)
  2. 42317
    1. With Karoline. ZF Tor 1, Group 6, Row 024a, Tomb No 29
      1. Jellinek, Sara (Primary)
    2. Jellinek, Sara
  3. 1139
    1. Tor 1, Group 50, Row 9, Tomb 44 (with Dorothea)
      1. Sachs, Fanny (Primary)
    2. Sachs, Fanny
    1. Jellinek, Gustav
    2. Tor 4, Group 12, Row 24, Tomb 34
      1. Jellinek, Gustav (Primary)
  4. Nr 101872
    1. Death, Salzer, Sidonie
      1. Salzer, Sidonie (Primary)
    2. Salzer, Sidonie
    3. Tor 1, Group 52, Row 5, Tomb 5
      1. Salzer, Sidonie (Primary)
    4. Birth, Salzer, Sidonie
      1. Salzer, Sidonie (Primary)
  5. Zimbalist, Ida, died 1904
    1. Agent
      1. Zimbalist, Robert (Primary)
    2. Tor 1, Group 7, Row 22, Tomb 002A
      1. Jellinek, Ida (Primary)
    3. Zimbalist, Robert
    4. Jellinek, Ida
  6. 135416
    1. ZF Tor 1, group 49, row 8, tomb 2
      1. Mandler, Paula (Primary)
    2. Mandler, Paula
    1. Klein, Antonia
    2. Tor 1, 8/7/72
      1. Klein, Antonia (Primary)
  7. 33786
    1. Felber, Samuel
    2. ZF Tor 1, group 076B, Row 15, Tomb 32
      1. Felber, Samuel (Primary)
    3. Death, Felber, Samuel
      1. Felber, Samuel (Primary)
  8. 55526
    1. Tor 1 group 053b row 7 tomb 8
      1. Kuh, Aloise (Primary)
    2. Kuh, Aloise
  9. Weissmann, Isaias
    1. Weissmann, Isaias
    2. Death, Weissmann, Isaias
      1. Weissmann, Isaias (Primary)
    3. Tor 4, Group 21, Row 36, Tomb 12
      1. Weissmann, Isaias (Primary)
  10. Herman, Marie 130303
    1. Residence, Ekstein, Marie
      1. Ekstein, Marie (Primary)
    2. Ekstein, Marie
    3. Tor 4, group 14, row 12, tomb 59
      1. Ekstein, Marie (Primary)
  11. Jensen, Kamilla
    1. Fuchs, Kamilla
    2. Residence, Fuchs, Kamilla
      1. Fuchs, Kamilla (Primary)
    3. Tor 1, group 50, row 25, tomb 053A
      1. Fuchs, Kamilla (Primary)
    1. Klein, Antonia
    2. Birth, Klein, Antonia
      1. Klein, Antonia (Primary)
    1. Wassertrüdinger, Leopold
    2. Birth, Wassertrüdinger, Leopold
      1. Wassertrüdinger, Leopold (Primary)
  12. Frisch Dorit, 1933.
    1. Tor 4, Group 3, Row 25, Tomb 9. Shared with father and grandmother.
      1. Frisch, Dorit (Primary)
    2. Residence, Frisch, Dorit
      1. Frisch, Dorit (Primary)
    3. Death, Frisch, Dorit
      1. Frisch, Dorit (Primary)
    4. Frisch, Dorit
  13. 98064 Mandler, Elkan
    1. Residence, Mandler, Elkan
      1. Mandler, Elkan (Primary)
    2. Death, Mandler, Elkan
      1. Mandler, Elkan (Primary)
    3. ZF Tor 4, Group 4, Row 9, Tomb No 91
      1. Mandler, Elkan (Primary)
    4. Mandler, Elkan
    1. Felber, Leopold
    2. Residence, Felber, Leopold
      1. Felber, Leopold (Primary)
  14. Genteam 128308
    1. Ehrenfest, Ignaz
    2. Death, Ehrenfest, Ignaz
      1. Ehrenfest, Ignaz (Primary)
    3. Tor 4, Group 19, Row 11, Tomb No 5
      1. Ehrenfest, Ignaz (Primary)
  15. 83203
    1. ZF Tor 1, group 19, row 40, tomb 034A
      1. Weinmann, Otto (Primary)
    2. Privatbeamter
      1. Weinmann, Otto (Primary)
    3. Residence, Weinmann, Otto
      1. Weinmann, Otto (Primary)
    4. Weinmann, Otto
  16. 77951
    1. Rosenfeld, Laura
    2. Buried with Bernhard and step-son Otto. ZF Tor 1, Group 19, Row 40, Tomb No 034A
      1. Rosenfeld, Laura (Primary)
    3. Birth, Rosenfeld, Laura
      1. Rosenfeld, Laura (Primary)
  17. 69316
    1. Residence, Biach, Katharina
      1. Biach, Katharina (Primary)
    2. Biach, Katharina
    3. ZF Tor 1, Group 8, Row 30, Tomb No 070A
      1. Biach, Katharina (Primary)
  18. no. 127634
    1. Goldschmied, Bernhard
    2. Tor 1, Group 049A, Row 7, Tomb No 81
      1. Goldschmied, Bernhard (Primary)
  19. 55053 Mandler, Elkan
    1. Residence, Mandler, Elkan
      1. Mandler, Elkan (Primary)
    2. Mandler, Samson
    3. ZF Tor 1, Group 19, Row 23, Tomb No 100
      1. Mandler, Elkan (Primary)
    4. Spengler (tinsmith)
      1. Mandler, Samson (Primary)
    5. Death, Mandler, Elkan
      1. Mandler, Elkan (Primary)
    6. Mandler, Elkan
  20. Nr 116630
    1. Death, Gerber, Leopold
      1. Gerber, Leopold (Primary)
    2. ZF Tor 1, Group 52, Row 13, Tomb 18
      1. Gerber, Leopold (Primary)
    3. Gerber, Leopold
    1. Fialla, Joseph
    2. ZF Tor 1, Group 6, Row 5, Tomb 10
      1. Fialla, Joseph (Primary)
  21. 106035
    1. Weinmann, Karoline
    2. ZF Tor 1, group 6, row 024a, tomb 29
      1. Weinmann, Karoline (Primary)
  22. Braun Salomon 49057
    1. Death, Braun, Salomon
      1. Braun, Salomon (Primary)
    2. ZF Tor 4, Group 10, Row 17, Tomb 61
      1. Braun, Salomon (Primary)
    3. Braun, Salomon
  23. Siebenschein, Robert 1941
    1. Siebenschein, Robert
    2. Death, Siebenschein, Robert
      1. Siebenschein, Robert (Primary)
    3. ZF Tor 1, Group 20, Row 15, Tomb No 96
      1. Siebenschein, Robert (Primary)
  24. Haas, Jakob
    1. Haas, Jakob
    2. Tor 1, Group 049A, Row 14, Tomb 15
      1. Haas, Jakob (Primary)
    3. Sofien Spital (Wien 1070)
      1. Haas, Jakob (Primary)
    4. Residence, Haas, Jakob
      1. Haas, Jakob (Primary)
  25. 59887
    1. Weiner, Fani
    2. Tor 1, group 50, row 39, tomb 3
      1. Weiner, Fani (Primary)
    1. ZF Tor 1, Group 005b, Row 9, Tomb 19
      1. Fialla, Herrmann (Primary)
    2. Fialla, Herrmann
  26. Barcheles, Alexander no 95200
    1. Birth, Barcheles, Alexander
      1. Barcheles, Alexander (Primary)
    2. Death, Barcheles, Alexander
      1. Barcheles, Alexander (Primary)
    3. Tor 1, Group 52, Row 30, Tomb No 53
      1. Barcheles, Alexander (Primary)
    4. Barcheles, Alexander
    1. Residence, Back, Johanna
      1. Back, Johanna (Primary)
    2. Back, Johanna
  27. 48079 Klein Gisela
    1. Klein, Gisela
    2. ZF Tor 1, group 50, row 56, tomb 15
      1. Klein, Gisela (Primary)
    3. Sicherheitswachmann
      1. Klein, Jacob (Primary)
    4. Klein, Jacob
    1. Rebenwurzel, Julie
    2. ZF Tor 1, Group 005b, Row 9, Tomb 19
      1. Rebenwurzel, Julie (Primary)
  28. ZF Tor 1, Group 52, Row 4, Tomb 54
    1. ZF Tor 1 group 52 row 4 tomb 54
      1. Reiss, Abraham Adolf (Primary)
    2. Silberstein, Cäcilie
    3. Residence, Silberstein, Cäcilie
      1. Silberstein, Cäcilie (Primary)
    4. Residence, Reiss, Abraham Adolf
      1. Reiss, Abraham Adolf (Primary)
    5. Reiss, Abraham Adolf
  29. 100650
    1. With Otto. ZF Tor 1, Group 19, Row 40, Tomb No 034A
      1. Weinmann, Bernhard (Primary)
    2. Weinmann, Bernhard
  30. 93462
    1. ZF Tor 4, Group 020a, Row 4, Tomb No 18
      1. Glück, Regina (Primary)
    2. Spital der I.K.G.
      1. Glück, Regina (Primary)
    3. Glück, Regina
    4. Residence, Glück, Regina
      1. Glück, Regina (Primary)
  31. 23148
    1. Death, Glück, Hugo
      1. Glück, Hugo (Primary)
    2. ZF Tor 4, group 22, row 34, tomb 43
      1. Glück, Hugo (Primary)
    3. Glück, Hugo
    4. Residence, Glück, Hugo
      1. Glück, Hugo (Primary)
  32. 66526
    1. Residence, Haas, Leopold
      1. Haas, Leopold (Primary)
    2. Haas, Leopold
    3. Tor 1, Group 049A, Row 14, Tomb 15
      1. Haas, Leopold (Primary)
    1. Rebenwurzel, Julie
    2. Residence, Rebenwurzel, Julie
      1. Rebenwurzel, Julie (Primary)
  33. Haas, Betti
    1. Residence, Herzog, Betti
      1. Herzog, Betti (Primary)
    2. Tor 1, Group 049A, Row 14, Tomb 15
      1. Herzog, Betti (Primary)
    3. Herzog, Betti
  34. Herman, Emanuel 24070
    1. Birth, Herman, Emanuel
      1. Herman, Emanuel (Primary)
    2. Herman, Emanuel
    3. Death, Herman, Emanuel
      1. Herman, Emanuel (Primary)
    4. Residence, Herman, Emanuel
      1. Herman, Emanuel (Primary)
    5. Tor 4, Group 14, Row 12, Tomb 49
      1. Herman, Emanuel (Primary)
  35. 75707 Klein Rosalia
    1. Klein, Rosalie
    2. ZF Tor 1, group 8, row 48. tomb 31
      1. Klein, Rosalie (Primary)
    1. Klein, Antonia
    2. Death, Klein, Antonia
      1. Klein, Antonia (Primary)
  36. Weissmann, Ferdinand
    1. ZF Tor 4, Group 17, Row 9, Tomb No 23
      1. Weissmann, Ferdinand (Primary)
    2. Weissmann, Ferdinand
    3. Residence, Weissmann, Ferdinand
      1. Weissmann, Ferdinand (Primary)
    4. Versorgungsheim Lainz
      1. Weissmann, Ferdinand (Primary)
  37. Felber Wilhelm, 41088
    1. Death, Felber, Wilhelm
      1. Felber, Wilhelm (Primary)
    2. Residence, Felber, Wilhelm
      1. Felber, Wilhelm (Primary)
    3. ZF Tor 4, group 010A, Row 11, Tomb 4
      1. Felber, Wilhelm (Primary)
    4. Felber, Wilhelm
  38. Braun Betti 9756
    1. ZF Tor 4, Group 10, Row 17, Tomb 61
      1. Frisch, Betty (Primary)
    2. Frisch, Betty
    3. Death, Frisch, Betty
      1. Frisch, Betty (Primary)
    1. Residence, Fialla, Herrmann
      1. Fialla, Herrmann (Primary)
    2. Fialla, Herrmann
    1. Residence, Felber, Erwin
      1. Felber, Erwin (Primary)
    2. Felber, Erwin
    1. ZF Tor 1, Group 20, Row 24, Tomb 211
      1. Back, Johanna (Primary)
    2. Back, Johanna
  39. Felber Moriz, 123091
    1. ZF Tor 4, group 010A, Row 11, Tomb 4
      1. Felber, Moriz (Primary)
    2. Death, Felber, Moriz
      1. Felber, Moriz (Primary)
    3. Residence, Felber, Moriz
      1. Felber, Moriz (Primary)
    4. Felber, Moriz
    1. Felber, Leopold
    2. ZF Tor 4, Group 22, Row 44, Tomb 35
      1. Felber, Leopold (Primary)
  40. Bermann, Betty 74823
    1. Residence, Ehrenfest, Babette
      1. Ehrenfest, Babette (Primary)
    2. Tor IV, Group 6, Row 30, Tomb 5
      1. Ehrenfest, Babette (Primary)
    3. Ehrenfest, Babette
    4. Death, Ehrenfest, Babette
      1. Ehrenfest, Babette (Primary)
    1. Pollak, Regine
    2. ZF Tor 1, 005b/3/024A
      1. Pollak, Regine (Primary)
  41. ZF Tor 4, Group 22, Row 025b, Tomb 14
    1. ZF Tor 4, Group 22, Row 025b, Tomb 14
      1. Wolfgang, Karl (Primary)
    2. Death, Wolfgang, Karl
      1. Wolfgang, Karl (Primary)
    3. Residence, Wolfgang, Karl
      1. Wolfgang, Karl (Primary)
    4. Wolfgang, Karl
  42. 93286 Klein Wilhelm
    1. ZF Tor 1, group 049A, row 6, tomb 96
      1. Klein, Wilhelm (Primary)
    2. Klein, Wilhelm
    3. Sicherheitswachmann
      1. Klein, Jacob (Primary)
    4. Klein, Jacob
    1. Wassertrüdinger, Leopold
    2. Death, Wassertrüdinger, Leopold
      1. Wassertrüdinger, Leopold (Primary)
  43. 27014
    1. Residence, Reiss, Adalbert
      1. Reiss, Adalbert (Primary)
    2. Reiss, Adalbert
  44. 5487
    1. Death, Felber, Heinrich
      1. Felber, Heinrich (Primary)
    2. ZF Tor 1, group 076B, Row 15, Tomb 32
      1. Felber, Heinrich (Primary)
    3. Felber, Heinrich
    1. Fialla, Herrmann
    2. Death, Fialla, Herrmann
      1. Fialla, Herrmann (Primary)
    1. Kalmar, Alexander
    2. Birth, Kalmar, Alexander
      1. Kalmar, Alexander (Primary)
    1. Kalmar, Alexander
    2. ZF Tor 1, 005b/3/024A
      1. Kalmar, Alexander (Primary)
    1. Fialla, Herrmann
    2. Attorney (Rechtsanwalt)
      1. Fialla, Herrmann (Primary)
  45. Barcheles, Rosalie
    1. Tor 1, Group 52, Row 30, Tomb No 53
      1. Frisch, Rosalie (Primary)
    2. Death, Frisch, Rosalie
      1. Frisch, Rosalie (Primary)
    3. Frisch, Rosalie
    4. Birth, Frisch, Rosalie
      1. Frisch, Rosalie (Primary)
  46. 100643
    1. Death, Sachs, Dorothea
      1. Sachs, Dorothea (Primary)
    2. Sachs, Dorothea
  47. 100643
    1. Tor 1, Group 50, Row 9, Tomb 44 (with Fanni)
      1. Sachs, Dorothea (Primary)
    2. Sachs, Dorothea
  48. Frisch, Rosalie, 1932
    1. Berger, Rosalie
    2. Death, Berger, Rosalie
      1. Berger, Rosalie (Primary)
    3. Residence, Berger, Rosalie
      1. Berger, Rosalie (Primary)
    4. Tor 4, Group 3, Row 25, Tomb 9. Shared with Josef and Dorit.
      1. Berger, Rosalie (Primary)
  49. 52112
    1. Death, Kohn, Romeo
      1. Kohn, Romeo (Primary)
    2. ZF Tor 1, Group 20, Row 18, Tomb No 29
      1. Kohn, Romeo (Primary)
    3. Residence, Kohn, Romeo
      1. Kohn, Romeo (Primary)
    4. Kohn, Romeo
    5. Priv beamter
      1. Kohn, Romeo (Primary)
    1. Magenentartung (stomach tumor)
      1. Jellinek, Michael (Primary)
    2. Jellinek, Michael
    1. Hayek, Hanni
    2. Death, Hayek, Hanni
      1. Hayek, Hanni (Primary)
  50. Braun Paul 128225
    1. ZF Tor 4, Group 10, Row 17, Tomb 61
      1. Braun, Paul (Primary)
    2. Residence, Braun, Paul
      1. Braun, Paul (Primary)
    3. Death, Braun, Paul
      1. Braun, Paul (Primary)
    4. Braun, Paul
  51. Frisch Josef, 1933
    1. Death, Frisch, Josef
      1. Frisch, Josef (Primary)
    2. Frisch, Josef
    3. Tor 4, Group 3, Row 25, Tomb 9. Shared with mother and daughter.
      1. Frisch, Josef (Primary)
    4. Residence, Frisch, Josef
      1. Frisch, Josef (Primary)
  52. 87593 Klein Elisabeth
    1. Klein, Jacob
    2. ZF Tor 1, group 19, row 35, tomb 8
      1. Klein, Elisabeth (Primary)
    3. Klein, Elisabeth
    4. Sicherheitswachmann
      1. Klein, Jacob (Primary)