
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Mayer. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Mayer, Aaron    
Mayer, Aron    
Mayer, Aron 1892-03-18  
Mayer, Arthur 1900-10-03 1976-02-14
Mayer, Berta 1893-10-12  
Mayer, Caroline    
Mayer, Elizabeth Ezley about 1916 2014-08-03
Mayer, Gaston    
Mayer, Guido 1897 1952
Mayer, Helene 1895-09-09  
Mayer, Hermi 1878-05-29  
Mayer, Izsak Abraham about 1858  
Mayer, Jacob about 1882 1893-11-25
Mayer, Jakab 1894-12-14  
Mayer, Jeanette 1850-12-25 1918-06-00
Mayer, Jeanette 1867-05-14 1943
Mayer, Josef about 1884 1888-11-25
Mayer, Julius 1861-01-00 1921-04-07
Mayer, Marie 1867-07-10 1944-10-29
Mayer, Moritz 1888-01-05  
Mayer, Richard 1891-11-11  
Mayer, Roza 1881-11-15  
Mayer, Sali about 1854