
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Altzufrom. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Altzufrom, Abraham Moses    
Altzufrom, Bella    
Altzufrom, Chaim Lazar about 1855-02-00  
Alzufrom, Chaim Leib 1890-09-26 1954-07-03
Alzufrom, Chaim Leibisch 1892-11-12  
Altzufrom, Chana    
Altzufrom, Chane Malke 1861-04-00  
Altzufrom, Chany Lea  
Altzufrom, Chaya    
Alzufrom, Eisik 1897-12-21  
Altzufrom, Feige Süssel 1865 1913-06-13
Alzufrom, Fradel 1896-07-20  
Altzufrom, Frieda 1902-01-02  
Alzufrom, Hencze 1894-10-16  
Altzufrom, Hinde    
Altzufrom, Israel Salomon 1887-06-14  
Alzufrom, Josel 1902-06-16  
Altzufrom, Joseph    
Alzufrom, Markus Feibus 1902-05-08 1902-06-01
Altzufrom, Mendel 1885-11-25  
Altzufrom, Moses    
Alzufrom, Moses 1899-10-30  
Alzufrom, Salamon Hersch    
Alzufrom, Salomon    
Alzufrom, Samuel Leib about 1844 1876-05-27
Altzufrom, Sandra    
Altzufrom, Shimon Eliezar    
Altzufrom, Sigmond   1929
Altzufrom, Szaindel Riwke  
Altzufrom, Yetta 1898-04-07 1992-04-05