
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hirsch. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Hirsch, Charlotte    
Hirsch, Darwin    
Hirsch, David    
Hirsch, Elizabeth Sophia 1914-08-13 1995-11-15
Hirsch, Emily Gail 1942-04-22 2004-04-19
Hirsch, Frank 1906-11-30 1990-08-27
Hirsch, Henry Saul 1911-04-04 1991-09-06
Hirsch, Irene 1887-03-09  
Hirsch, Jakob    
Hirsch, Joseph 1904-12-01 1989-06-29
Hirsch, Julius 1869-01-13  
Hirsch, Mina    
Hirsch, Otto 1906-03-07  
Hirsch, Roslyn 1918-11-05 2007-04-18
Hirsch, Toby 1909 1999-06-03