
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ritter. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Ritter, Adolph    
Ritter, Bernhard    
Ritter, Charlotte about 1832 1901-06-19
Ritter, Charlotte 1875-10-29 1944-12-18
Ritter, Cäcilie 1912-08-12 1980-02-11
Ritter, Emerich 1883-01-19 1943-01-22
Ritter, Erna Cäcilie 1898-04-08  
Ritter, Ernestine 1885-08-12 after 1942-10-08
Ritter, Ernst 1903-06-12  
Ritter, Ferdinand about 1853 1928-02-17
Ritter, Henriette 1854-02-16 1908
Ritter, Karl 1879-07-09 1938-08-01
Ritter, Leo 1870-10-21  
Ritter, Ludwig about 1823 1886-03-25
Ritter, Marie Anna 1864-06-22  
Ritter, Max 1877-02-21 1935-01-30
Ritter, Selma 1873-11-12 1944-05-09
Ritter, Simon 1872-02-18 1931-07-20