
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Vogel. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Vogel, Adolf 1873-02-20  
Vogel, Arnold 1856-05-19  
Vogel, Berthold 1877-12-17  
Vogel, Edita 1914-04-07 1993-04-00
Vogel, Elsa 1900-01-29 after 1942-10-05
Vogel, Ferdinand 1880-06-04  
Vogel, Frida 1885-06-12  
Vogel, Friedrich 1891-12-13 1891-12-27
Vogel, Gerta 1905-07-23  
Vogel, Gertrude 1916-10-26 2000-11-19
Vogel, Gusta 1875-04-28  
Vogel, Hanuš 1909-01-24 after 1942-10-08
Vogel, Heinrich 1904-02-17 after 1942-10-08
Vogel, Ignatz 1885-12-30  
Vogel, Leopold 1920-06-16 after 1942-10-08
Vogel, Max 1870-12-20 1938-10-18
Vogel, Miroslav 1932-08-06 after 1942-10-08
Vogel, Pinkus 1843-12-07  
Vogel, Simon