
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Langer. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Langer, Aaron 1891-01-23 1971-04-24
Langer, Adolf 1835-02-05  
Langer, Adolf 1864-10-00  
Langer, Amalie about 1811  
Langer, Flora 1918-04-06  
Langer, George 1912-09-03 1989
Langer, Gertrud 1914-11-14 2013-09-08
Langer, Gustav about 1877-02-07 1877-02-23
Langer, Hannah 1893-09-00  
Langer, Hugo 1874-03-26 1893-06-25
Langer, Irving 1896-07-23 1981-09-00
Langer, Jakob    
Langer, Karl 1884-01-31  
Langer, Karolina 1916-03-28  
Langer, Olga 1875-04-22  
Langer, Otto 1881-10-19 1939-11-09
Langer, Rachel 1796 1874-03-11
Langer, Theodor 1889-05-13  
Langer, Wilhelm