
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Mandl. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Mandl, Abraham 1842-04-16  
Mandl, Adolf 1862-12-08 1942-05-02
Mandl, Dwora    
Mandl, Hani 1869-03-13  
Mandl, Helen Lilly 1892-09-15 about 1971
Mandl, Josef    
Mandl, Mariane 1896-07-05 about 1944-10-00
Mandl, Moses    
Mandl, Moses 1811  
Mandl, Pepi about 1845  
Mandl, Sali about 1849  
Mandl, Veronika 1812-05-18