
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Freund. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Freund, Anna 1901-11-30 after 1942-08-25
Freund, Artur 1898-09-29  
Freund, Babette 1877-05-01 1878-07-01
Freund, Bernard    
Freund, Bernard about 1756 1830-05-10
Freund, Berta 1875-11-28  
Freund, Berthold 1860-11-30 1943-07-29
Freund, Berthold 1874-05-26 1944
Freund, Charlotte    
Freund, Charlotte 1863-01-09 1864-04-10
Freund, Charlotte 1863-03-30 1941-07-07
Freund, Charlotte 1911-03-12  
Freund, Cäcilia 1869-02-07 1916-12-27
Freund, Egon Josef 1898-10-05 about 1944-10-00
Freund, Eleonora 1865-11-00 1865-12-24
Freund, Elizabeth    
Freund, Emil    
Freund, Erich 1908-12-04  
Freund, Ernst 1897-04-05  
Freund, Ester 1881-06-08 about 1942-07-00
Freund, Fani about 1832 1902-05-02
Freund, Fanni 1857-01-09 1928-10-21
Freund, Fritz    
Freund, Gabriel 1824-05-09 before 1902
Freund, Gustav 1884-11-21 after 1941-10-31
Freund, Hanuš 1907-05-26  
Freund, Ignatz 1868-02-27  
Freund, Irma 1902 1903-07-08
Freund, Jakob about 1852 1925-10-00
Freund, Jakob 1859-03-11 1939-01-14
Freund, Josef    
Freund, Josefina 1859-12-28  
Freund, Julie 1816 1892-02-15
Freund, Karoline 1869-06-27  
Freund, Kurt 1919-01-17  
Freund, Leni 1865-10-15 1930-01-04
Freund, Leopold 1859-02-09  
Freund, Leopold 1860-08-03 1932-02-28
Freund, Lotta 1906-05-16  
Freund, Ludwig 1872-01-15 1872-03-31
Freund, Marketa (Margarethe) 1905-04-12  
Freund, Max 1871-06-08 1935-06-04
Freund, Max 1893-09-29 1895-12-31
Freund, Michael about 1782 1837-12-15
Freund, Michael Max 1855-04-21  
Freund, Moriz 1837-01-06 1906-03-31
Freund, Moses 1867-06-08 1928-10-10
Freund, Nanni (Charlotte, Anna) about 1820 1880-03-08
Freund, Natan about 1824 1887-11-18
Freund, Oskar 1895-04-24  
Freund, Paula 1878-01-01  
Freund, Pavel    
Freund, Regina 1872-01-15  
Freund, Salomon about 1836 1902-02-27
Freund, Salomon 1869-08-11 1869-09-26
Freund, Sara 1814-07-08 1901-05-07
Freund, Sigmund    
Freund, Sigmund 1912-09-21 1942-09-18
Freund, Sophia 1864-06-11 1935-04-10
Freund, Theodor 1874-01-01 1925-08-20
Freund, Wilhelmina 1856-08-00 1914-12-24