
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Fleischer. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Fleischer, Adam about 1796
Fleischer, Aloisia 1849-04-04  
Fleischer, Anna 1885-10-03  
Fleischer, Aron    
Fleischer, Bernard 1847-05-24  
Fleischer, Bruno 1878-12-13  
Fleischer, Helene 1852-02-29  
Fleischer, Ida 1875-03-12  
Fleischer, Josef about 1806 1855-08-06
Fleischer, Josef 1856-02-08 1869-04-05
Fleischer, Liebmann 1841-12-11  
Fleischer, Moises    
Fleischer, Moritz    
Fleischer, Moses    
Fleischer, Paula 1884-09-28  
Fleischer, Rosalind 1911-11-02 2005-05-19
Fleischer, Rösel 1846-12-15