
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Rotter. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Rotter, Abraham Lemel 1836-01-25 1900-06-05
Rotter, Amélie 1869-07-21 1949-01-19
Rotter, Carl    
Rotter, Hermine 1863-01-19 1937-04-10
Rotter, Hermine 1873-04-07 1888-05-15
Rotter, Ignaz    
Rotter, Jacob    
Rotter, Jeanette 1863-02-27 1923-06-07
Rotter, Josef    
Rotter, Käthe 1871-05-16  
Rotter, Markus about 1866  
Rotter, Olga about 1879 1904-07-13
Rotter, Richard 1876-04-02 1912-10-18
Rotter, Stella before 1900-06-05