
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gubat. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Gubat, (unknown) 1902-11-17  
Gubat, Anna 1868  
Gubat, Antonie 1914-11-22  
Gubath, Daniel    
Gubat, Gertruda 1914-06-04 1975-08-02
Gubat, Gustav 1879-08-07 after 1942-04-27
Gubat, Handa 1919-08-16 about 1980
Gubat, Hugo 1877-08-15 1938-09-02
Gubat, Jan about 1916  
Gubat, Julius 1867  
Gubat, Karl 1905-09-01 after 1942-10-05
Gubat, Leo 1935-04-17 after 1942-10-05
Gubat, Leopoldine 1903-11-27  
Gubath, Margarete 1917-07-24  
Gubat, Margit   after 1989-12-29
Gubat, Max 1876-01-06 after 1942-10-22
Gubat, Otto about 1909 1921-07-28
Gubat, Otto 1913-01-04 after 1942-10-05
Gubat, Regina 1866  
Gubat, Richard 1910-04-16 after 1942-04-01
Gubat, Samuel Leopold 1839-10-10  
Gubat, Viktor 1922-03-22 1945-01-22