
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Czuczka. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Czuczka, Abraham    
Czuczka, Amalia 1856-10-04  
Czuczka, Aron Moses about 1820 1894-06-15
Czuczka, David Edmund 1879-02-04 1943-12-15
Czuczka, Ella 1886-08-28 after 1943-09-06
Czuczka, Flora 1888-02-21 1924-01-28
Czuczka, Jakob 1852-01-22 1920-05-29
Czuczka, Katharina about 1844  
Czuczka, Kati  
Czuczka, Leopold    
Czuczka, Leopold 1883-12-31 1932-11-17
Czuczka, Marcus (Max) 1853-06-11  
Czuczka, Marta about 1911 1990-05-28
Czuczka, Rebeka about 1820  
Czuczka, Salomon    
Czuczka, Salomon 1854-12-09