
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Roth. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Róth, Aladár 1889-09-18 1945-07-14
Roth, Aranka 1901 about 1986
Roth, Bernhard about 1865 1935
Roth, Erika 1927-03-10 2003-02-04
Róth, Frigyes 1886 1928
Roth, Jenő 1896 1944
Roth, Magda    
Roth, Margit 1899 1974
Róth, Mici 1893 1985
Roth, Samuel    
Roth, Siegfried 1895-01-22 1959-07-17
Róth, Zdenka 1903 1930
Róth, Zsigmond 1890 1965