
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Frank. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Frank, Bernhard    
Frank, Eszter about 1832 1898-09-26
Frank, Felix 1878-09-01 1943-05-31
Frank, Fred 1919-04-04 2001-05-17
Frank, Harriet 1916-03-22 1985-10-23
Frank, Joseph about 1913 1976-09-13
Frank, Max 1877-01-06  
Frank, Michael    
Frank, Michael 1882-02-10 1962-12-05
Frank, Milton 1925-06-03 2009-03-28
Frank, Moses    
Frank, Sally    
Frank, Sylvia 1919-09-20 1986-01-19
Frank, Wilhelm Franz Josef 1915-03-14 1977-03-04