
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Telatko. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Telatko, Abraham    
Timföld, Albert 1875-06-05  
Telatko, Amalie 1864-07-24 1866-04-10
Telatko, Bernhard 1856-07-06  
Timföld, Berta 1873-04-19  
Telatko, Fany 1858-05-29 1896-01-02
Telatko, Gustav 1861-07-18  
Telatko, Henriette 1870-08-04  
Telatko, Herman 1831 1915-01-29
Timföld, Karoline 1869-03-16  
Timföld, Károly about 1838  
Telatko, Löbl    
Telatko, Regi 1858-09-08  
Timföld, Regine 1871-07-14  
Telatko, Rosalia 1868-07-26  
Telatko, Sigmund 1861-04-07