
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wolf. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Wolf, Adolf 1861-12-14  
Wolf, Ahron    
Wolf, Anna    
Wolf, Betty 1846-06-23  
Wolf, Cecilie 1866-08-18 1928-02-09
Wolf, Friedrich 1892-11-09  
Wolf, Heinrich    
Wolf, Isidor    
Wolf, Jakob Samuel 1849-05-06 1932-11-10
Wolf, Karl Ludwig 1894-01-09  
Wolf, Max 1853-01-05  
Wolf, Mendl    
Wolf, Pauliny    
Wolf, Richard 1894-07-24  
Wolf, Rosy 1844-10-08  
Wolf, Thereze 1860-04-10 1943-03-03
Wolf, Wolfgang about 1784 1868-01-18