
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Kohn. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Kohn, Albert    
Kohn, Bernhard    
Kohn, Bernhard 1833-11-17 1904-08-22
Kohn, David    
Kohn, Fanni    
Kohn, Genendl  
Kohn, Heinrich about 1868  
Kohn, Jacobine    
Kohn, Jakob 1847-09-06  
Kohn, Katharina 1855-04-00 1938-08-29
Kohn, Marianna 1910-09-30  
Kohn, Melitta 1892-09-04  
Kohn, Mina 1836 1898-07-31
Kohn, Moritz    
Kohn, Rebeka about 1777  
Kohn, Romeo 1863-12-18 1922-05-00
Kohn, Rosalie 1851 1875-08-12
Kohn, Sallomon    
Kohn, Samuel    
Kohn, Sofia 1836-02-11 1872-04-13
Kohn, Therese 1897-01-09  
Kohn, Theresia 1822  
Kohn, Theresia about 1822