
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Stein. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Stein, Alfred 1873-03-24  
Stein, Anna 1874-10-17  
Stein, Arnold 1869-03-19  
Stein, Benno 1890-10-04 about 1941
Stein, Berta 1867-09-23  
Stein, Camilla 1880-07-02  
Stein, Carolina 1871-01-24  
Stein, Evirin 1896-10-05  
Stein, Henrietta 1840-06-00  
Stein, Hermann Leopold 1918-06-29 1945-01-20
Stein, Jakob    
Stein, Jonas   before 1857
Stein, Katharina 1862-01-00  
Stein, Leah 1941-12-10 1944
Stein, Markus about 1833-01-00  
Stein, Moritz 1872-03-23 1885-03-13
Stein, Philipp    
Stein, Robert    
Stein, Siegmund 1865-07-09