
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Katz. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Katz, Anna 1907-05-15 1971-07-29
Katz, Asher    
Katz, David    
Katz, Evelyn Hilda 1918-02-07 1999-08-12
Katz, Gershon 1880-12-15 1965-09-26
Katz, Henia    
Katz, Ida    
Katz, Isaak 1893-10-29  
Katz, Jerry    
Katz, Krajncie Ruchel 1886-10-09  
Katz, Liba    
Katz, Maurice    
Katz, Meier  
Katz, Mildred    
Katz, Mina 1922 1995-12-24
Katz, Morris    
Katz, Moses David 1891-09-09  
Katz, Moshe    
Katz, Rae 1908-11-01 1977-05-00
Katz, Sarah    
Katz, Shaindel    
Katz, Shimon Eliezer    
Katz, Shlomo    
Katz, Shmuel    
Katz, Syma