
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Morgenstern. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Morgenstern, Albert Isak 1861-02-15  
Morgenstern, Cäcilie    
Morgenstern, Eva Lia about 1742 1828-05-19
Morgenstern, Jakob 1839-04-30  
Morgenstern, Ludwig    
Morgenstern, Marie 1892-12-14  
Morgenstern, Mauritz 1841-06-10  
Morgenstern, Michael    
Morgenstern, Paul 1912-02-17  
Morgenstern, Rosa 1819-03-27 1896-08-14
Morgenstern, Therese about 1824 1915-03-23