
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Davidowitz. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Davidowitz, Abraham    
Davidovitz, Alfred about 1923 1944-07-01
Davidowitz, Anna 1913-10-04 1999-09-28
Davidowitz, Annie 1870 1920-12-04
Davidovits, Elias    
Davidowitz, Hanna    
Davidowitz, Hermina 1885-12-20 1977-05-10
Davidovitz, Ignatz 1884-09-02 1963-08-15
Davidowitz, Julius    
Davidowitz, Louise 1888-04-15 1956-12-28
Davidowitz, Rose 1880 1931-05-20