
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wisansky. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Wisansky, Benjamin 1894-04-00 1982-12-00
Wisansky, Charlotte 1889-09-07 about 1962
Wisansky, Esther 1891-04-00 about 1964
Wisansky, Henry 1884-08-00 about 1954
Wisansky, Irene 1897-03-25 1995-05-15
Wisansky, Jacob 1881-03-00 about 1928
Wisansky, Lillian 1887-03-00 about 1961
Wisansky, Lillian 1892-03-23 1975-09-21
Wisansky, Louis 1853 1932-11-21
Wisansky, Martha 1893-05-15 1976-01-00
Wisansky, Norma about 1905