
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Davis. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Davis, Aaron 1874-04-23 1941-08-23
Davis, Aaron 1943-12-14 1953-02-01
Davis, Ben 1911-10-23 2007-08-02
Davis, Dorothy 1906-12-03 2003-09-18
Davis, Janet Bario Ross    
Davis, Julius    
Davis, Julius 1899-09-18 1975-05-07
Davis, Julius H 1915-11-23 2006-01-25
Davis, Martin 1901-07-07 1962-12-11
Davis, Marvin 1901-07-07 1976-04-07
Davis, Myron 1926-06-20 2011-10-15
Davis, Sandor Lee 1937-10-25 1999-01-23
Davis, Sheldon 1939-09-04 2010-09-25
Davis, Stanley