
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sachs. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Sachs, Abraham    
Sachs, Adolph 1861-02-05  
Sachs, Alois 1857-01-25  
Sachs, Anna 1883-12-08 1942-04-28
Sachs, Beatrice about 1908  
Sachs, Charlotte (Lotte) 1854-10-12 1879-05-29
Sachs, Clara 1895-08-15 1975-08-00
Sachs, Coleman about 1868  
Sachs, Coleman Ray    
Sachs, David    
Sachs, Dorothea 1854-08-03 1924-09-00
Sachs, Eliot about 1906  
Sachs, Ernestine 1859-05-25  
Sachs, Fanny 1855-12-16 1899-01-01
Sachs, Florence about 1904  
Sachs, Florian 1830-10-20 1877-03-20
Sachs, Franziska 1850-12-25  
Sachs, Gabriel 1828-05-09  
Sachs, George Hans 1913-02-11 2001-04-00
Sachs, Heinrich 1852-05-29 1939-03-08
Sachs, Herschel    
Sachs, Irma 1885-04-04 1943-12-15
Sax, Josef 1861-08-18 1943-02-12
Sachs, Katharina    
Sachs, Kristina    
Sachs, Michael 1848-01-29  
Sachs, Moses about 1819 1891-06-19
Sachs, Oskar 1881-06-27 1974-01-00
Sachs, Rudolfine 1870-09-18  
Sachs, Ruth 1896-10-06 1988-04-02
Sachs, Salomon    
Sachs, Salomon 1857-01-25  
Sachs, Siegfried 1882-10-17 1943-09-06
Sachs, Stephanie 1890-09-13  
Sachs, Teviah about 1903