
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Braun. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Braun, (daughter) 1880-11-05  
Braun, Adolf    
Braun, Bruno 1888-08-05 after 1944-10-16
Braun, Carola 1895-09-22 1943-04-30
Braun, Edward recte Eisik 1883-09-02  
Braun, Elias    
Braun, Emil 1876-04-17  
Braun, Ernst Leopold 1901-01-18 after 1948
Braun, Jakob Hirsch    
Braun, Lilly 1932-06-18  
Braun, Max 1905-08-11  
Braun, Paul 1885-05-25 1932-12-05
Braun, Rudolfine 1898-02-17 1942
Braun, Salomon about 1845 1932-04-23
Braun, Siegfried 1893-12-28  
Braun, Therese 1878-04-27 1882-02-28