
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ehrenfest. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Ehrenfest, Babette 1850-04-04 1920-07-05
Ehrenfest, Berta 1893-10-03 1942-06-01
Ehrenfest, David 1848-08-08  
Ehrenfest, Ferdinand about 1806  
Ehrenfest, Ignaz 1860-10-24 1941-12-05
Ehrenfest, Jakob 1849-11-10  
Ehrenfest, Kallmann 1816-06-23 1897-04-09
Ehrenfest, Meir    
Ehrenfest, Moritz (Mayer) 1853-01-23  
Ehrenfest, Oskar 1894-02-13 1949
Ehrenfest, Otto    
Ehrenfest, Salomon 1847-06-30  
Ehrenfest, Samuel 1854-06-28 1927