
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Feder. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Feder, Aaron    
Feder, Aaron 1896-01-11 1967-11-00
Feder, Aaron between 1902 and 1905 before 1907
Feder, Abraham Joseph    
Feder, Albert A 1921-06-04  
Feder, Bessie E 1904-10-31 2003-05-04
Feder, Florence 1919-03-06 2005-07-06
Feder, Frieda    
Feder, Harry 1894-08-31 1976-04-00
Feder, Jacob H 1876-12-24 1938-09-18
Feder, Leo    
Feder, Mae 1909-05-07 1994-12-03
Feder, Margaret 1901-05-10 1985-03-23
Feder, Martin 1907-09-10 about 1934
Feder, Norbert 1898-06-07 1981-08-00
Feder, Sylvan Irwin 1919-02-12 1990-06-09