
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Barcheles. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Barcheles, Adele 1882-04-30  
Barcheles, Alexander about 1840 1927-09-08
Barcheles, Arnold 1873-06-09  
Barcheles, David 1885-04-07  
Barcheles, Friedrich 1880-04-26  
Barcheles, Hanni    
Barcheles, Helene 1876-06-26 1877-06-15
Barcheles, Hermine 1875-04-27  
Barcheles, Isabella 1878-04-08  
Barcheles, Moriz 1877-08-29  
Barcheles, Samuel 1872-04-20  
Barcheles, Theodor 1870-02-04