Bregstein Breakstone Family Tree
Gramps ID | S0089 |
Author | Jeff Marx |
Publication information | |
- Death, Wisansky, Esther
- Wisansky, Esther [I1721]
- Wisansky, Lillian [I1740]
- Death, Wisansky, Lillian
- Breakstone, Anna [I1716]
- Birth, Breakstone, Anna
- Breakstone, Abraham [I1749]
- Death, Breakstone, Abraham
- Wisansky, Lillian [I1719]
- Death, Wisansky, Lillian
- Breakstone, Joseph [I1755]
- Birth, Breakstone, Joseph
- Bernszteyn, Hinda Bluma [I1751]
- Marriage, Family of Breakstone, Abraham and Bernszteyn, Hinda Bluma
- Breakstone, Abraham [I1749]
- Wisansky, Irene [I1723]
- Birth, Wisansky, Irene
- Wisansky, Lillian [I1719]
- Birth, Wisansky, Lillian
- Death, Wisansky, Charlotte
- Wisansky, Charlotte [I1720]
- Death, Breakstone, Joseph
- Breakstone, Joseph [I1755]
- Birth, Wisansky, Charlotte
- Wisansky, Charlotte [I1720]
- Death, Breakstone, Isaac
- Breakstone, Isaac [I1753]
- Wisansky, Norma [I1743]
- Birth, Wisansky, Norma
- Birth, Wisansky, Benjamin
- Wisansky, Benjamin [I1722]
- Death, Wisansky, Henry
- Wisansky, Henry [I1718]
- Bregschteyn, Rochel Lea [I1726]
- Birth, Bregschteyn, Rochel Lea
- Death, Bernszteyn, Hinda Bluma
- Bernszteyn, Hinda Bluma [I1751]
- Birth, Wisansky, Lillian
- Wisansky, Lillian [I1740]
- Breakstone, Herman [I1752]
- Death, Breakstone, Herman
- Wisansky, Martha [I1741]
- Death, Wisansky, Martha
- Bernszteyn, Hinda Bluma [I1751]
- Birth, Bernszteyn, Hinda Bluma
- Breakstone, Ida [I1757]
- Death, Breakstone, Ida
- Breakstone, Abraham [I1749]
- Birth, Breakstone, Abraham
- Wisansky, Irene [I1723]
- Death, Wisansky, Irene
- Marriage, Family of Breakstone, Joseph
- Breakstone, Joseph [I1755]
- Death, Bregschteyn, Rochel Lea
- Bregschteyn, Rochel Lea [I1726]
- Death, Breakstone, Morris Samuel
- Breakstone, Morris Samuel [I1756]
- Birth, Breakstone, Morris Samuel
- Breakstone, Morris Samuel [I1756]
- Birth, Wisansky, Esther
- Wisansky, Esther [I1721]
- Marriage, Family of Bregschteyn, Rochel Lea
- Bregschteyn, Rochel Lea [I1726]
- Birth, Breakstone, Sarah Ruth
- Breakstone, Sarah Ruth [I1754]
- Death, Wisansky, Benjamin
- Wisansky, Benjamin [I1722]
- Breakstone, Ida [I1757]
- Birth, Breakstone, Ida
- Birth, Breakstone, Herman
- Breakstone, Herman [I1752]
- Birth, Wisansky, Henry
- Wisansky, Henry [I1718]
- Breakstone, Isaac [I1753]
- Birth, Breakstone, Isaac
- Death, Breakstone, Sarah Ruth
- Breakstone, Sarah Ruth [I1754]
- Wisansky, Martha [I1741]
- Birth, Wisansky, Martha
- Wisansky, Jacob [I1717]
- Birth, Wisansky, Jacob