England & Wales Census of 1911


  1. Gasthalter, Rachel
    1. Gasthalter, Rachel
    2. Birth, Gasthalter, Rachel
      1. Gasthalter, Rachel (Primary)
    3. Census, Gasthalter, Rachel
      1. Gasthalter, Rachel (Primary)
    1. Gasthalter, Herman
    2. Prestwick then part of Lancashire
      1. Gasthalter, Herman (Primary)
    3. Residence, , Sophie
      1. , Sophie (Primary)
      2. Gasthalter, Herman (Primary)
    4. , Sophie
  2. Camberwell South RD, Series RG14, Piee 2482, ED 23, Family 237
    1. Census, Böhm, Margarethe
      1. Sachs, Oskar (Primary)
      2. Böhm, Margarethe (Primary)
    2. Böhm, Margarethe
    3. Clerk accountant
      1. Sachs, Oskar (Primary)
    4. Sachs, Oskar