Sbírka matrik, Praha

Gramps ID S0788
Author Archiv hlavního města Prahy


  1. Magistrát hlavního města Prahy - centrální úřad. MAG O51, folio 75, image 80
    1. Jellinek, Arnold [I2527]
    2. Jellinek, Katherina [I3500]
    3. Divorce, Family of Wachsmann, Erich and Jellinek, Katherina
      1. Wachsmann, Erich (Primary) [I3570]
      2. Jellinek, Katherina (Primary) [I3500]
    4. Brumlík, Viktor Petr [I7912]
    5. Birth, Brumlík, Viktor Petr
      1. Brumlík, Viktor Petr (Primary) [I7912]
    6. Továrník (manufacturer)
      1. Jellinek, Arnold (Primary) [I2527]
    7. Residence, Jellinek, Katherina
      1. Jellinek, Katherina (Primary) [I3500]
    8. Wachsmann, Erich [I3570]
    9. Marriage, Family of Brumlík, Viktor Petr and Jellinek, Katherina
      1. Brumlík, Viktor Petr (Primary) [I7912]
      2. Jellinek, Katherina (Primary) [I3500]